"It's a Beautiful Day" This tree and little bird emerged as I was attempting to do some "intuitive" painting. I took a class a few months ago from the fabulous artist, Tracy Verdugo, to learn how to do this style and technique of painting. Boy, has is been challenging for me! I truly, truly love it though ~ you never know where you are going when you start out or where you will finish. Below are some pictures of the evolution of this piece. To start out, I divided the canvas up into squares and chose some colors I wanted to use. Some squares were dark, some lighter. The images and marks I made are symbolic to me. I had just returned from a trip to the ocean and had never seen water that beautiful. It totally inspired me! In this step, I added acrylic inks over the entire piece. Cool colors on one side, warmer colors on the opposite side. You can see how some of the marks still show through. ...